you've seen it all before..


While our group is still doing some last minute editing, the majority of our video is done and ready. Although, with this relief also comes a lot of questions and afterthoughts. Jimmy’s story was amazing and being able to see it firsthand made it even more special. My group loved showing our video to the class, criticism aside, because we truly believe that Jimmy’s story deserves to be told and heard. I’m posting a picture I stole from Vanessa’s blog of her and Lisa with Jimmy because it’s so gosh darn cute.

Also, this video project has taught me a lot about story arcs and how even though it seems impossible to turn 2 hours of footage into a successful 3 minute video, it can definitely be done!

One response

  1. HAHA this picture!!! It was so great doing this project together!! I didn’t even see that picture on Vanessa’s page. Jimmy is such an inspiration to all and I am so happy that we all got to share this experience together 🙂

    March 21, 2010 at 10:06 pm

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